
Marie Curie


Sound Tourism for Travellers

Find places that sound interesting to visit. A travel guide  listing places where what you hear is an important part of the experience.

Take a tour!

by Trevor Cox (University of Salford)

The Sound Blog by Trevor Cox

A blog about acoustic and audio engineering by Trevor Cox from University of Salford that worth a look.
You may find some very interesting posts.

For instance, do you know which is the most reverberant space in the World?

Or maybe you might want to read why does music sound better with reverb


REVERB Challenge Listening Test

The REVERB challenge, sponsored by DREAMS, aims at the evaluation of dereverberation algorithms for automatic speech recognition and speech enhancement.

The organizers are now running an online MUSHRA test to evaluate the submitted speech enhancement algorithms. The test will be run until april 25th and will allow to investigate the correlation between the subjective evaluation and several objective measures.

We are looking forward to the results and to the REVERB workshop.

DREAMS Youtube channel

DREAMS Youtube channal is out! Check out some animations of the wave equation in a 2D room created using the Finite Difference Time Domain method!
